A little something to bring along with you on your quest…no matter how far a distance it may be. A simple stroll down the road can become a magical expedition when you pack imagination. Kids teach us this. They remind us of the simple pleasures that get squeezed out of our cluttered adult brains. They […]

I love you because… {Love Jars}
I feel I’ve always had an appreciation on some root level for my mother – who she is, the way that I felt in her presence – safe, secure, and important, for the adventures and experiences she provided us with, and for the strength she has demonstrated through adversity. She taught us to love and […]

Conversation Cloth
I’m a highly sentimental being. Maybe it’s a product of learning big loss at a very young age, witnessing first hand that each moment that passes is one less we may have in this place or with these people. Or perhaps it’s in my blood, passed down from a mother and grandmother who cherished every […]

Worry or Wish…
We all have wishes. We all have worries. Sometimes we wish we didn’t worry so much. This is a project from my childhood that I took great pleasure in sharing with my own children earlier this year. I stumbled upon these tiny dolls in my storage room in a Caboodle (yes, you know it – small […]

Love Letters
Those cheerleaders, who have shared their words of love, support, respect, and admiration with me, have blessed me. I strive to be attentive to reciprocate that love and model this act for my babes. Maybe we all DO just need a little more Luv. If it makes the world go round we better get […]

Treasure Tokens
There is a hero in my life: an unsung hero, named Sarah. She is my sister and my friend. I have to believe that she dons a cape under her clothing detailed with some sort of symbol that suggests my rescue and protection. She is careful not to draw attention to herself and keeps her […]

I Am…
Call it the year of the affirmation. Affirmations may appear a bit cliche but they are important, and when the shtuff hits the fan…I think they just might work. We are told that if we make positive statements and repeat them often, we will eventually begin to believe them and the universe will respond. Conversely, […]