Just a quick project post – one that’s been keeping us busy and helping us to lessen intense winter induced insanity. Thanks to a mama friend who knows a little something about wine, I ended up with a ziplock bag full of corks. A bulging ziplock. Full.

Stained Glass Heart Garland & Love Notes
We need more LOVE. We need to OFFER more love. We wanted to finally experiment with the art of crayon melting. As we near Valentine’s Day the babes thought it would be fun to try hearts. From here, our project morphed into Stained Glass Heart Garland and Valentine Love Notes for teachers…here’s how we do: […]

Stories dipped in glass, glitter, and bling.
Ornamental Stroll… I’ve felt an especially strong pull to history in the recent years, hungry to know the stories that brought us to exactly where we stand today, compelled to record our moments together and how they’ve changed us. I’m also aware that as a single parent I’m responsible to pass along the stories that […]

Paper Bag Stitching
We’ve been slacking a bit on project posts. There is still a constant flurry of paper scraps, sparkles, and fabric snips in the air here – I’ve just been delinquent in sharing. I’ve had the sewing machine back in rotation much more frequently since launching my online shop. Designing and creating for my shop brings memories […]

Dressed By J
What began as an idea to create a one-of-a-kind birthday gift for my beautiful niece out of a vintage embroidered pillowcase, became a line of whimsical children’s clothing and accessories, with a vintage flair, shared in a handful of local boutiques. I shed blood, sweat, and tears building that little business on the side of […]

The Shells of Le Homme Dieu
The little green cottage holds many treasures. The shells of Le Homme Dieu are one of them. It’s become an anticipated tradition; pant legs rolled up, cool water lapping at our legs as we slowly comb the shoreline in search of gold. Gold is relative. You have to look deep to see the gold; squint […]