We hit up the library last week, an activity that has become much more highly anticipated since Little Man has been reading on his own. I love the library for a few reasons. One being that there is a book for everything – and everyone. For an eclectic gal, like myself, that is very satisfying. […]

Grooming Kind and Creative MacGyvers : Homemade Fun
Worm houses, digging for creatures, getting dirty, touching stuff that might make us itch, climbing to that point in which we feel a quiver in our gut (and surely set one in mama’s). All are part of the recipe of my favorite memories from childhood. Kids wrestled a little (ok, a lot) and explored freely […]

Nature Hike – Journey Journal
Inspiration can come from many places, anywhere really, and it builds. I love how many twists and turns an idea can take from the seed first planted in your mind. Projects rarely turn out as I originally intended…personality and perspective of the artists involved, adds to the flavor. Sunny spring/summer days have been hard to come […]

Nature Necklaces – terrain to treasure
She came to me holding a round rock with a teeny tiny hole in it. We can make a necklace, Mama! We’ve painted rocks, we’ve made friends out of rocks, we balance stacks of rounded rocks in our gardens, and we collect the heart shaped rocks that have gained volume and presence all around our […]

Woodland Crowns
She’s a princess: dreamy, gracious, creative, kindhearted, resilient, strong, brave, funny, independent, free-spirited, and silly. Her imagination runs wild. She can be transported anywhere on this great big beautiful planet or beyond the stars above, in a heartbeat. Creativity is in her veins and I can only imagine the lens through which she views life. […]

Window Bling
The playhouse. Oh, how I love this cozy little house out back. I remember securing this treasure like it was yesterday. I grew up with an adorable little custom playhouse in the backyard of my childhood home. Mom & Dad moved it in and built and created all the fixings for the inside. We entered […]

Nature Mobile
Still blending the natural with the brilliant around here. We’re on a roll, judging by the last couple of project posts. The Adventure Sticks served us well on our nature hike last week; locking our keys in the car at the nature park and one babe plunging into the river head first, not so much. After […]