Adorable Insecurities

Adorable Insecurities

Boom. I immediately went to that nervous and wounded little girl from years past and felt a wave of humiliation roll over me. I felt my insecurity growing into epic and cartoonish proportions and tried to mask all that overwhelmed me.

Holding On & Letting Go

Holding On & Letting Go

It has been, and will remain to be, a constant exercise in evolution…finding a balance of holding on and letting go. Around every corner life has new unanticipated gifts hidden behind its back, waiting to reveal the beauty once you’re willing to move forward to find it.

Untold Stories

Untold Stories

Perhaps experiences – good, bad, and ugly- are gifted to us and we are entrusted with extending them as they pass though our lives, keeping them alive and able to reach others that need the pulse of inspiration generated through their teachings.

Aging Pets & Natural Birth

Aging Pets & Natural Birth

There is so much now, that I didn’t know then, that I sometimes wish I had. I suppose that is the beauty in our years. The gold waits for us, surfacing bit by beautiful bit, year after year, as we continue to shed our outer layers.

Your Faith Place

Your Faith Place

Rather than spending time wading around in the shallow waters of definition, labels, pointing fingers, and proving yourself or IT, dive into your personal journey and just live it while it unveils to you, bit by beautiful bit.

Being an Okay Mom

Being an Okay Mom

I was okay at the mom thing for the first few years. Piper made life easy. But Pierce. He stretched me. Pierce was diagnosed with cancer when he was 18-months-old. I thought he had an ear infection. The thought of losing Pierce – an unplanned child who invaded every nook and cranny of my heart, brought me to my knees every time.

Talk To Me: Relationships

Talk To Me: Relationships

I asked you to talk to me, and talk to me you did. I am still completely blown away by your response. I am overwhelmed and honored and so very grateful for you for trusting me with your stories, friends.