Don’t offer vacancy to misdirected anger, depleting your worth as an authentic being. Please don’t continuously choose the underhand of comparison; thwart comparison altogether and tell paralyzing doubt to “shove it.”

I’m Shedding
Our shedding is our blind becoming. Our skin begins to feel tight and uncomfortable. We don’t belong in it, we’re certain. It’s itchy and we are unsure why until we begin to see fragments peeling away, revealing a new layer of our knowing, bringing us closer to our center; that place that has been unnecessarily cloaked and muffled, but remains untarnished and true and whole underneath.

A Boy and His Fish
Sweet boy, I can’t take this feeling away. I wouldn’t even if I could. The beautiful privilege to have loved so greatly that such a loss changes you will expand your capacity to love, to honor. Never avoid loving at the risk of loss.

A Nest’s Edge
There are seasons when our lives are turbulent and we look for the sacred places where we can take a deeper breath, set aside burden. The places where we can exhale worry, where we can inhale love. The days of this year, as we are, keep me tethered to a time where I’m comfortable in my skin and in my role, my purpose.

Him. Me.
Our space of independent exploration is woven with our togetherness in a stitch I never want to change, but I know better. Our story will continue to deliver an evolving love.

Home is here. Or there.
Being shown big life can cause us to grip our belongings tighter, desperate to hold things where they are familiar – in the NOW. It can also offer a tap on the shoulder – “Psssssst….THIS is life and not a bit of it lives in objects or addresses. “ Listen for the latter.

I Said Yes
PAUSE is illusive. Would I allow myself to climb out of the trenches for just a bit? Could I do so without wrestling guilt or holding traces of impracticality?