I cherish the bedtime chats I have with my babes. I find those with my little man especially fulfilling in this stage. When he was much younger, nightly chats served as a review of our days, as a tool to decompress and release all that his overly perceptive little mind took in (everything. it took […]

Tissue Wisdom
In opposition of its intense beauty, life can hurt. Bad. It can hurt for everyone and for many reasons… …an inevitable human experience. I think if it hasn’t hurt, you might not be living. A raw, pounding drum within, beating against the walls of your chest, from the most internal space of your body – […]

Now. Alive.
I’ve learned that for me, it’s the moments of feeling alive that help bring me to the next place. I’ve been fortunate enough to have stockpiled a handful in the recent weeks. Weaving a connection with someone. Interlacing experiences that have shaped you, creating something new together, something that wouldn’t have existed without the blending […]

Sticks and Stones
*More to the babes…reflecting this week on the power of words. ‘Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.’ I’m not sure who wrote that, but that last part is all wrong. While I understand that the phrase is meant to be delivered in the tone of a convincing declaration, […]

Our Little Family Crest
We are family. We are tight. We stand for things. I was inspired recently by the notion of a family crest. Although the history of crests or the coat of arms is deep and sometimes conflicting, the idea that I take away is a family trademark or seal – a custom stamp displaying symbols of […]

Eyes on your own paper…
Little man has been noticing new things at school lately. He’s noticing that She is reading harder books than him. He’s noticing that Hemay be doing harder math problems than him. Mind you, the boy is excelling in school, steadily reading and participating in a math challenge group. As a Kindergartener I want to believe […]

Thank you, Solitude.
Thank you, Solitude. A leading definition of solitude is aloneness: the state of being alone. Okay. But the synonyms offered are a bit heavy; many suggesting loneliness, seclusion, detachment, even emptiness. I’m not entirely on board. The solitude I refer to is not one of loneliness, detachment, or emptiness at all. Quite the contrary, solitude, […]