Call it the year of the affirmation. Affirmations may appear a bit cliche but they are important, and when the shtuff hits the fan…I think they just might work. We are told that if we make positive statements and repeat them often, we will eventually begin to believe them and the universe will respond. Conversely, […]
Read more »{1 comments}When little things are big…
For me, it’s often the littlest of things that carry the most meaning. I find myself consumed with the emotions that the little things trigger within. This probably speaks to the simplicity of my nature or character, as a simple pleasures kinda gal. I wonder how much time I spend a day just gazing at […]
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Rock Your World
When we settled on a solution to disguise a large stubborn patch of dirt that refused to grow grass in the front of our house, we had no idea we were installing a playground as well. We decided on river cobble to cover the area. My little man was just two years old and wanted […]
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She sees a family…
She sees a family. She sees a family with Mom, Dad, her brother, and herself. She sees the family that I had dreamed would always surround her, but has since taken a different shape. She was in creative mode, spilling her soul into a new masterpiece, when she asked me how to spell family. F? Yes, […]
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Habitat Sweet Habitat
He stood tall…one foot cocked on its side, his hands close to his body tightly gripping the bottom hem of his shirt, a soft smile spread across his face – all suggesting a bashful pride in his newly constructed masterpiece. He wanted to enter the Imagination Fair at school. I was thrilled. It took me back to […]
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A first friend…
He is just shy of a foot tall, he is cushy to the touch, has big dreamy eyes and seasoned blue fur. His fur is matted from the overzealous chomps of a teething baby, from the tight grips of a nervous toddler, afraid to enter the classroom without mom, and from catching tears that […]
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Happiness Gallery
She needed a gallery of her very own, a place to surround herself with images that evoke happiness. Art isn’t something she does; it’s who she is. Her art is free from technique and warrants itself, needing not the justification or approval of others, but a simple nod from her blissful heart. Her art was […]
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