*More to my babes…a bit of relaxing ranch reflection was in order and couldn’t have been more appropriately timed. Stockpiling those ‘happy place’ moments carry us through the tough ones. The recent past has been chock full of Big Scary Things. The phrase was offered many times…What Doesn’t Kill You Makes You Stronger. There […]

She sees a family…
She sees a family. She sees a family with Mom, Dad, her brother, and herself. She sees the family that I had dreamed would always surround her, but has since taken a different shape. She was in creative mode, spilling her soul into a new masterpiece, when she asked me how to spell family. F? Yes, […]
Certainly uncertain…
Kettle Corn? Check DDP*? Check Let’s roll… There are days that feel certainly uncertain. I’m sure you know them. Days in which you feel like you are moving in a million different directions, but not […]
Bottle it.
The no-reason proclamation of love from your child: “You know what Mama…?” “What?” “I love you.” melt Bottle it. The feeling you have when you leave a dinner or conversation with someone that you reallyconnect with on your human experience. You get them. They get you. They still love you ;) Bottle it. Your […]

Big Firsts
We’ve had a lot of Firsts this past year…I mean a LOT. Like an infant’s first year’s worth. Our lives are full of Firsts. Whether we’re 6 or 36 we are always growing, changing, and adapting. If we’re not, we’re simply not living. We drain from our cups rather than add to them to enhance and create new flavors. We […]

Dear Loves,
Tonight I resumed writing a letter to my children. My goal in doing this is to provide them with a snapshot of their lives and their ‘being’. I hope someday they cherish reading about all that is uniquely ‘them’ and that it serves as a window into their childhood. I feel moved to share my thoughts […]

True to yourself.
It’s simple. Remain true to yourself. It’s hard. Relationships blend and bond people, but don’t ever lose your individuality. Bend, don’t break. Take responsibility for your choices and actions; every one of them will impact others in some way. We are all entitled to our own feelings and experiences but it doesn’t excuse poor choices. Share you […]