Needing help used to feel like a weakness, a bother to others for this recovering non-imposing type. Now it feels more like connection. It’s beautiful really.

The Paths of Words
Your words will travel to a to a place where they ‘ll be gathered and protected by those intended, yet often least expected. Find those who get you, who understand your voice. Your stories were written in parallel. You are to be there for each other. Trust others with your words. They need them and you need theirs.

Beauty in Contradiction
My dear friend layered frosting on what she already saw inside. And she helped reveal both kinds of beauty to me in the process. She gifted me with a feeling of acceptance, coming into my own – just a bit deeper than before – knowing that I am who I am and there are many ways to be just that – so many ways to shine.

A Life of Vines
Practicing the continuous exercise of acceptance, cultivating new rituals, traditions, and relationships, and rewriting the script you once had sketched in your mind is your pass to peace.

Quiet Told Me
I would continue on, brave and courageous, sharing words even when those I love don’t get it or me. I would resist shrinking back into myself, fading to a whisper, when the reception falls short of encouragement or even acceptance.

Roll On, Poppy Wagon
I love that we’re learning together, these babes and I. I want them to see me do hard things. I want them to watch me struggle. And I want them to see me thrive.

Adorable Insecurities
Boom. I immediately went to that nervous and wounded little girl from years past and felt a wave of humiliation roll over me. I felt my insecurity growing into epic and cartoonish proportions and tried to mask all that overwhelmed me.