It terrifies me to say this out loud, you see, because then you hold me accountable. You begin to form judgments or expectations, and for some reason we allow ourselves to be tied to others’ expectations of us more often than being tied to honoring our fibers.

Exhaling Attachment
Tethered to a familiar mass, and feeling the rope slip through my desperate grip, I’m aware that fixing my gaze backward will leave me exhausted, emptied. I won’t have these things back, and I’ll lose a little bit of myself in the process.

Quiet Told Me
I would continue on, brave and courageous, sharing words even when those I love don’t get it or me. I would resist shrinking back into myself, fading to a whisper, when the reception falls short of encouragement or even acceptance.

Adorable Insecurities
Boom. I immediately went to that nervous and wounded little girl from years past and felt a wave of humiliation roll over me. I felt my insecurity growing into epic and cartoonish proportions and tried to mask all that overwhelmed me.