I witnessed infinite expression of what I believe to be similar guts—hunger for connection, safety, belonging, and purpose, expressed in varying language. The greatest of souvenirs is a new set of eyes.

If I Could Gift You Stillness
If I could give you nothing else, I’d plant deeply the gift of stillness in your core. To listen, smell, taste, trace, and observe in silence, processing the vibrations within your being and in relation to this world of beings you share this space with, that escape definition or tangibility, but remain truer than any other things.

Home is here. Or there.
Being shown big life can cause us to grip our belongings tighter, desperate to hold things where they are familiar – in the NOW. It can also offer a tap on the shoulder – “Psssssst….THIS is life and not a bit of it lives in objects or addresses. “ Listen for the latter.

I Said Yes
PAUSE is illusive. Would I allow myself to climb out of the trenches for just a bit? Could I do so without wrestling guilt or holding traces of impracticality?

Consider this your nudge
It terrifies me to say this out loud, you see, because then you hold me accountable. You begin to form judgments or expectations, and for some reason we allow ourselves to be tied to others’ expectations of us more often than being tied to honoring our fibers.

Thank you Poppy, and Carl…
Needing help used to feel like a weakness, a bother to others for this recovering non-imposing type. Now it feels more like connection. It’s beautiful really.

Roll On, Poppy Wagon
I love that we’re learning together, these babes and I. I want them to see me do hard things. I want them to watch me struggle. And I want them to see me thrive.