I witnessed infinite expression of what I believe to be similar guts—hunger for connection, safety, belonging, and purpose, expressed in varying language. The greatest of souvenirs is a new set of eyes.

If I Could Gift You Stillness
If I could give you nothing else, I’d plant deeply the gift of stillness in your core. To listen, smell, taste, trace, and observe in silence, processing the vibrations within your being and in relation to this world of beings you share this space with, that escape definition or tangibility, but remain truer than any other things.

Thank you Poppy, and Carl…
Needing help used to feel like a weakness, a bother to others for this recovering non-imposing type. Now it feels more like connection. It’s beautiful really.

Chasing Plates
We had a road trip on the calendar. It was a big one. 14 hours of driving with less than 24 hours at our destination.

Keeping The Moments Present
I danced with a new strip of the ocean that day. One that varies from any other I’ve met. It’s nestled in the side of hills cloaked in lush, variegated green blankets and sprinkled every so often with civilization, life – it’s a retreat. Strolling its shores, whether alone or with a soul sister by […]

Chasing Tides & Dodging Fevers
Flight never loses its wonder with me. I gaze out the window, jaw dropped slightly, as we transition from land to air. Watching the magic unfold on my babes’ faces make it that much better. I’m brought back to memories of my dad flying and working side-by-side to help him build a plane in our […]

My Happy Place
There is a place that sits on the corner of a sprawling piece of country land. Up the long drive, and nestled in a mature grove, there is a dwelling paved in dreams realized, a few cut short, and those yet to be, by those that call it ‘home’. A collection of horses greets you […]