What began as an idea to create a one-of-a-kind birthday gift for my beautiful niece out of a vintage embroidered pillowcase, became a line of whimsical children’s clothing and accessories, with a vintage flair, shared in a handful of local boutiques. I shed blood, sweat, and tears building that little business on the side of full-time motherhood – literally. Think pins.
It served as a creative outlet and I hoped to supplement our family income. My hours of operation began after bedtime. After long days of wrangling toddlers/babies, holding down the fort (a lot more like holding it up), and then managing the aftermath of such activities, I would hit the sewing machine with ideas in mind.

Girls Night Out Fashion Show
After a two year hiatus to manage Life, I’m diving back in. My hours of operation haven’t changed but my dreams hold more weight now as I build a future. My job title shifts post-bedtime and I put on a different hat. I should actually try a hat. A hat would be nice.
I’m excited to share my Etsy shop, Dressed by J. Take a peek, please, and share with those you think may enjoy it! I’m adding new designs frequently and most pieces are one-of-a-kind. I’m busy dreaming up accessories for the ladies, too. More to follow…
There is always ONE more thing you could do before hitting the switch. In an effort and exercise to resist perfection, I’m just going for it! Thanks for stopping by…
Take a peek:

Huge congrats my friend! Your designs are so lovely and precious. And I hold so much respect for you as you pursue this dream, it takes courage. Happy creating and I can hardly wait to see what you come up with next. xo! H