I’m sitting on a grounded plane. We were all set to take off and the weather rolled in. It rolled and rumbled and threw us off schedule. Stop the taxi to the runway – we need to ride it out. My head is crinked to the left as I gaze out the window at an enormous idle engine. It’s raining and the window is covered with drops of varying fullness. I am ‘cloud watching’ the raindrops to spot interesting patterns or shapes. I spy a perfect little face, but after a moment it melts away as the droplets become to heavy and slide down the ‘glass’. I text back and forth with an abandoned friend at a different airport; we provide each other comfort, venting opportunities, and laughs. Silver lining…what better time to capture the memories of an adventure that I’ll always remember?
I shaped three small round tokens with an imprint of a flower on the face, made by my daughters pink, gem-encrusted costume ring. I painted them a natural ivory color with an iridescent sheen. They were sanded perfectly smooth, and begged to be handled. I wrote each friend a note explaining the meaning behind the stones, and the ceremony I had envisioned, and I wrapped them in plum silk bags.
It was beach day. We hit the sand and soaked up the beauty of the shore. It was a cooler, windy day but a far cry from the snowy winter we all left behind. We spent a couple of hours appreciating: exploring the shores in our cuffed up jeans, wading in the chilly waves, collecting sand and shells, and snapping memories. When it was time to share our tokens, we found the most perfect spot – the crook of an old uprooted and fallen tree, perfectly out of place at the edge where the sand bleeds into the tall grasses.
I’d like to dream that someday three others, on a journey similar to ours, may stumble upon our stones and be inspired by the mystery and magic that they hold. Or maybe little children who think they’ve discovered buried treasure – that’d be ok too.
For now, there will be a little part of us in paradise together, resting in the sand.
start a book my dear daughter i, amazed every time i log on , amazed and proud nanni
Love & Hugs…